Tactical Intervention Products In Action

Tactical Intervention Specialists is well known in the military and police sniper communities as an innovative maker of reliable and rugged sniper equipment. We are proud to note that many of our products are being used successfully overseas by the military and here at home by various police agencies. A few of the agencies that we are free to disclose who are using TIS products are as follows: The United States Army Special Forces, The US Rangers, US Navy Seals, The United States Marine Corps, USMC Snipers, and The Canadian Special Forces.

Many of the professionals who use our equipment have sent us complimentary letters and many have even sent us photographs of our products in use. The following photos are representative of many that we have received.

Army Sniper with M24 sling and Night Vision Sight in Iraq
Army Sniper with M24 rifle sling and Night Vision Sight in Iraq

M40A3 look a like rifle with Model Two sling
M40A3 look alike rifle with Model Two sling

Navy Seal With  Precision Rifle Sling by Tactical Intervention  Specialists at Kandahar International Airport In Afghanistan
Navy Seal with Tactical Intervention Specialists Sling
At Kandahar International Airport

Sniper inseated position with M24 sling
Sniper inseated position with M24 sling

Undisclosed - Sniper in undisclosed location
Undisclosed - Sniper in undisclosed location

USMCsniper with two M40a3rifle with slip cuffslings at an Iraq overwatch

Sniper prone with m24 Brown Camo is used against green foliage
Sniper prone with m24 Brown Camo is used against green foliage

Group of proned-out snipers
Group of proned-out snipers

USMC Sniper with M40a3rifle and SlipCuff sling in Iraq

Sniper prone with m24 sling behind a rock
Sniper prone with m24 sling behind a rock

US Army Sniper with M24 rifle and M24 sling in Iraq
US Army Sniper with M24 rifle and M24 sling in Iraq

Sniper with Tactical Intervention Specialists Sniper Rifle Sling in the Middle East
Wrong end of the M24 Sniper Sling !!!
Wrong end of the M24 Sniper Sling !!!

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